El BigBrother nose esperaba que los datos de la posición geográfica le fueran cedidos de manera voluntaria.
A principios de diciembre se publica en la radio-televisión noruega esta investigación:
original en noruego: https://www.nrk.no/norge/xl/avslort-av-mobilen-1.14911685
por el periodista Martin Gundersen:

También en diciembre:
“After a series of news reports that have alarmed civil liberties advocates and progressive lawmakers, the ACLU sued on Wednesday to find out how and why federal agencies are buying access to bulk databases of Americans’ cell phone location information and effectively bypassing the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement.”
Customs and Border, the FBI, the U.S. military and other federal agencies have been keen buyers, though it’s caused a furor amongst privacy and human rights watchdogs.
“A Muslim prayer app with over 98 million downloads is one of the apps connected to a wide-ranging supply chain that sends ordinary people’s personal data to brokers, contractors, and the military.”
“One of the players, a highly secretive startup called Bsightful, is part-owned and backed by one of the biggest surveillance vendors in the world, the Nasdaq-listed, $4 billion market cap company Verint, three industry sources told Forbes. The other is an established player in the Israeli surveillance industry, Rayzone, whose Echo product promises .”
ya se nos alertaba en 2018
Location-based ads are growing, which means the industry has more ways than ever to track you